
Welcome to Thomanomics — a.k.a. Easy-to-Understand Economics & Financial Markets



Who am I?


Welcome to the first issue of Thomanomics. Think of this as an interesting economics course. Now, I know you are thinking “Wow that name is terrible”, but hear me out. Some people have a passion for basketball. Some people have a passion for horse riding. Most of society has a passion that is infused with one’s hobbies that can be relaxing. Imagine sitting on a beach building a sandcastle with your niece; now THAT’S relaxing.


But not me. My name is Thomas, Founder and Chief Financial Officer at The Financial Cloud. I have a passion for both financial markets and economics, and they could not be farther from building sandcastles. Now I love the beach (and sandcastles), but the aforementioned hobbies are able to be completed mindlessly, unlike analyzing global supply chain routes and the impact on the macroeconomic environments and financial markets.


Economics is not an easy subject to grasp at first, but once revealed to a person, they start to see it in their everyday life. Financial markets are much of the same way; if you see parking lots full day in and out at a chain retailer, you can assume that sales are up. I have a degree in Finance, am currently completing my Chartered Market Technician (CMT) designation, and have several years of experience in financial market risk management. But trust me, I am not an expert in these subjects by any means, but I do enjoy studying and understanding the way the world works — financial literacy allows one to do that.


As I continue to write the Thomanomics posts on The Financial Cloud website, I will uncover the truth that economics is around every individual, regardless of occupation. Some topics will be easier to understand than others, but through analogies and examples, I am confident that each reader will be able to recognize and appreciate the foundations of the study of the economy and how it applies to their day-to-day routine.


What can you expect?


Thomanomics will be written as I see fit. Most posts that will be written will be spurred by either 1) current events or 2) questions/comments from our members. I will try my best to explain the topics in easily digestible articles that can be read and understood within a matter of minutes. After all…. why read anything if you cannot comprehend and learn it? That is like pouring shampoo in your hands but not actually putting it into your hair. I want you to use these articles as a foundation to create a database of knowledge on how some events interact with each other.


The infographic below portrays the world economy and shows the importance of global trade in this day and age. The era of isolationism has since long passed. Graphics like the one below will be the tip of the iceberg as we delve into deeper subjects. I want to make it easy for you to understand and retain the knowledge, so, going forward, I will continue to use visual aids.

Visualizing the $88 Trillion World Economy in One Chart


If you have questions or requests for more economic articles and posts, please fill out the form below, and I might write something on it.


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Disclaimer: Nothing in these articles/posts is financial advice and should not be taken as advice. I am not a financial advisor. Please consult a licensed advisor before making any investment decisions or choices. I am not responsible for your investment choices or actions, and reading this article is considered an acknowledgment of this disclaimer.

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