
Financial Freedom Through Trading

Make Trading Easier, Faster, & Reliable

Spend Less Time, Earn More

Trade Ideas, Alerts, & Live Trading

• Trade Ideas & Alerts you can follow, reducing legwork!
• Daily Live Trading with World Class Expert Traders.

Advanced Education

• Proven repeatable strategies with high success rates!
• 100s of Hours of educational lessons.
• Private classroom workshops with Expert Traders.
• Education for every type of trader.

Automated Software

• Bot commands that do the hard work for you!
• Auto market sentiment, lightning fast analysis.
• Voice and text shoutouts, keeping you in the loop.

Made in the USA

• Designed and coded in the United States.
• 100+ years combined experience in the Stock Market.
• Ex-Apple Coder & Ex-fund Managers.
• International community, all traders welcome.

Institutional-Grade Trading Tools

• Custom Indicators that simplify trading & maximize profits!
• Scanners & Alerts, showing you what's actionable NOW!

Quality Data & Analytics

• Filtered Flow that helps remove the noise!
• Dark pool data & live options by Aries, showing where
the big money is moving.
• Weekly Newsletter with analytics and trade ideas.

Private Trading Community

• Join our thriving Private Trading Community.
• 24/7 Access where you can engage and get assistance from other traders.

Financial Freedom

• Financial Freedom Initiative will help expand financial literacy worldwide by donating to this cause.
• As TFC grows, so will our commitment and contribution.
• Consistently embracing our mission to help others Discover Financial Freedom.

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Discord Members
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Educational Content Hours
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Years Trading Experience
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Newsletter Issues

Options Flow that is easy to use.

We make following smart money as easy as possible.  Less noise, more action. No longer spend hours sorting through thousands of orders. Our advanced algorithms detect where the real money is going. 

Options Flow and Dark Pool Data

Advanced Tools

Education That Works

Self Paced learning, combined with 24/7 access to staff provides a powerful educational program. Live classrooms, trading and alerts empower you to learn faster than ever.

TFC Flow Dashboard

Custom Algorithmic Alerts based off option flow and smart money.

Dark Pool Dashboard

See all dark pool flow through our easy to use dashboard.

SMS Alerts

Get alerts and trade ideas sent straight to your phone.

Advanced Discord Community

Official Discord Partner and Featured Community of Discord, we integrate the latest software and all of TFC tools into this desktop and mobile software.

This just scratches the surface of the tools offered by TFC. To check out the full offerings click below. 


Im so long TFC. Thanks to everyone, staff and fellow traders, for all of the education and always willing to help. Just a few months ago I was down so bad and thought about quitting multiple times but yall always reached out and pulled me off of the ledge. Now im playing both sides confidently and ive never been more excited about the future!











14 Day Trial for $9.99

TFC University









14 Day Trial for $9.99

TFC University



Premium Indicators




